Earnings: Anvil, Apollo, Atna, Avnel, Blue Note, Cdn Zinc, Centenario, Coalcorp, Comaplex, Euro, First Nickel, Fronteer, Global Al, Golden China, High River, Imperial, Int. Royalty, Ivernia, Lake Shore, Marathon PGM, OceanaGold, Paladin, Plato, Red Back, Redcorp, Semafo, Shore Gold, Silvercorp, Skye, Teal


< td height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>Net Income (000s)

Earnings Summary from CNW Group.
All figures in thousands except per-share figures, which are
basic unless otherwise indicated.
Current Yr.ago % chg.
Anvil Mining (AVM-T) 3Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) 76,200 56,550 35
Net Income (000s) 39,064 30,157 30
EPS 0.55 0.54
CashFlow (000s) 42,958 20,058 114
9 mos.
Revenue (000s) 183,932 132,728 39
Net Income (000s) 95,504 60,907 57
EPS 1.52 1.29
CashFlow (000s) 77,358 35,154 120
All figures in U.S. dollars.
Current Yr.ago % chg.
Apollo Gold (APG-T) 3Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) n.a. n.a.
Net Income (000s) 2,117 -5,370 139
EPS 0.01 -0.04
9 mos.
Revenue (000s) n.a. n.a.
Net Income (000s) -94 -12,140 99
EPS 0 -0.1
All figures in U.S. dollars.
Current Yr.ago % chg.
Atna Resources (ATN-T) 9 mos. Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) n.a. n.a.
Net Income (000s) -2,002 -197 -916
EPS n.a. n.a.
Current Yr.ago % chg.
Avnel Gold Mining (AVK-T) 3Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) n.a. n.a.
Net Income (000s) -1,300 n.a.
EPS -0.02 n.a.
9 mos.
Revenue (000s) n.a. n.a.
Net Income (000s) -271 -1,232 78
EPS 0 -0.02
Current Yr.ago % chg.
Blue Note Mining (BN-V) 3Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) n.a. n.a.
Net Income (000s) -2,966 -1,184 -151
EPS -0.01 -0.01
Current Yr.ago % chg.
Canadian Zinc (CZN-T) 3Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) n.a. n.a.
Net Income (000s) -1 -39 97
EPS n.a. n.a.
9 mos.
Revenue (000s) n.a. n.a.
Net Income (000s) -237 -520 54
EPS n.a. n.a.
Current Yr.ago % chg.
Centenario Copper (CCT-T) 3Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) n.a. n.a.
Net Income (000s) -22,900 -900 -2444
EPS -0.96 -0.05
9 mos.
Revenue (000s) n.a. n.a.
Net Income (000s) -35,500 -5,400 -557
EPS -1.52 -0.32
Current Yr.ago % chg.
Coalcorp Mining (CCJ-T) 1Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) 19,700 36,300 -46
Net Income (000s) -7,800 -10,70
EPS -0.09 -0.19
All figures in US$. Due to change in
fiscal year end from May 31 to June 30,
comparative 2006 results are for 4-mnth
period ended Sept.30, 2006.
Current Yr.ago % chg.
Comaplex Minerals (CMF-T) 3Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) 959 1,319 -27
Net Income (000s) -40 650 -106
EPS 0 0.02
CashFlow (000s) 632 549 15
9 mos.
Revenue (000s) 2,995 3,844 -22
Net Income (000s) -481 1,470 -133
EPS -0.01 0.04
CashFlow (000s) 1,746 1,781 -2
Revenues are net of royalties.
Current Yr.ago % chg.
Euro Ressources (EUR-T) 3Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) 2,020 2,000 1
Net Income (000s) -1,520 n.a.
EPS n.a. n.a.
9 mos.
Revenue (000s) 5,290 5,560 -5
Net Income (000s) -180 n.a.
EPS n.a. n.a.
Results have been reported in euros.
Current Yr.ago % chg.
First Nickel (FNI-T) 3Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) 14,181 11,685 21
Net Income (000s) 1,269 1,424 -11
EPS 0.01 0.02
9 mos.
Revenue (000s) 41,591 20,667 101
Net Income (000s) 2,524 31 8042
EPS 0.02 0
Current Yr.ago % chg.
Fronteer Development Group (FRG-T) 3Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) n.a. n.a.
Net Income (000s) -3,868 -585 -561
EPS -0.06 -0.01
9 mos.
Revenue (000s) n.a. n.a.
Net Income (000s) -14,499 7,618 -290
EPS -0.22 0.14
Current Yr.ago % chg.
GBS Gold Int’l (GBS-T) 3Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) 16,700 n.a.
Net Income (000s) -10,800 -1,700 -535
EPS -0.1 -0.02
CashFlow (000s) 1,300
Current Yr.ago % chg.
Global Alumina (GLA.U-T) 3Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) n.a. n.a.
Net Income (000s) -2,276 n.a.
EPS -0.01 n.a.
9 mos.
Revenue (000s) 2,196 n.a.
Net Income (000s) 76,096 n.a.
EPS 0.37 n.a.
All figures in U.S. dollars.
Current Yr.ago % chg.
Golden China Resources (GCX-T) 1Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) 20,350 0
Net Income (000s) -6,390 -1,120 -471
EPS -0.12 -0.06
Current Yr.ago % chg.
High River Gold Min
es (HRG-T)
3Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) 26,565 30,547 -13
Net Income (000s) -4,657 33,666 -114
EPS -0.02 0.14
CashFlow (000s) 2,886 4,933 -41
9 mos.
Revenue (000s) 85,060 72,128 18
Net Income (000s) -3,495 33,266 -111
EPS -0.01 0.14
CashFlow (000s) 17,780 13,993 27
Current Yr.ago % chg.
Imperial Metals (III-T) 3Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) 84,784 57,154 48
Net Income (000s) 7,576 30,955 -76
EPS 0.23 1.03
CashFlow (000s) 22,165 36,341 -39
CPS 0.68 1.21
9 mos.
Revenue (000s) 232,240 165,787 40
Net Income (000s) 8,878 58,180 -85
EPS 0.28 1.96
CashFlow (000s) 68,633 51,553 33
CPS 2.17 1.74
Current Yr.ago % chg.
Int’l Royalty (IRC-T) 3Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) 13,738 8,357 64
Net Income (000s) 1,413 1,506 -6
EPS 0.02 0.03
CashFlow (000s) 7,527 -74 10272
9 mos.
Revenue (000s) 37,123 10,819 243
Net Income (000s) 5,958 8,723 -32
EPS 0.09 0.15
CashFlow (000s) 19,135 -1,748 1195
Current Yr.ago % chg.
Ivernia (IVW-T) 3Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) 0 n.a.
Net Income (000s) -5,800 n.a.
EPS -0.04 n.a.
CashFlow (000s) -4,300
9 mos.
Revenue (000s) 20,000 n.a.
Net Income (000s) -14,500 n.a.
EPS -0.11 n.a.
CashFlow (000s) -11,400
All figures in U.S. dollars.
Current Yr.ago % chg.
Lake Shore Gold (LSG-T) 3Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) n.a. n.a.
Net Income (000s) 300 -144 308
EPS 0 0
CashFlow (000s) -779 -308 -153
9 mos.
Revenue (000s) n.a. n.a.
Net Income (000s) -1,359 -1,006 -35
EPS -0.01 -0.01
CashFlow (000s) -1,661 -1,105 -50
Current Yr.ago % chg.
Marathon PGM (MAR-T) 9 mos. Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) n.a. n.a.
Net Income (000s) -2,100 -1,500 -40
EPS n.a. n.a.
Net loss has been reported before taxes.
Current Yr.ago % chg.
OceanaGold (OGC-T) 3Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) 24,367 25,827 -6
Net Income (000s) -47,730 8,540 -659
EPS -0.3 0.12
CashFlow (000s) 149 4,947 -97
9 mos.
Revenue (000s) 67,780 73,115 -7
-41,876 -20,996 -99
EPS -0.3 -0.29
CashFlow (000s) 5,495 17,955 -69
Current Yr.ago % chg.
Paladin Resources (PDN-T) 3Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) n.a. n.a.
Net Income (000s) -14,500 n.a.
EPS n.a. n.a.
All figures in U.S. dollars.
Current Yr.ago % chg.
Plato Gold (PGC-V) 3Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) 2 1 100
Net Income (000s) -95 -156 39
EPS 0 0
9 mos.
Revenue (000s) 9 1 800
Net Income (000s) -65 -290 78
EPS 0 -0.01
Current Yr.ago % chg.
Red Back Mining (RBI-T) 3Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) 17,303 n.a.
Net Income (000s) 742 n.a.
EPS n.a. n.a.
CashFlow (000s) 2,880
9 mos.
Revenue (000s) 47,277 n.a.
Net Income (000s) -1,915 n.a.
EPS n.a. n.a.
CashFlow (000s) 6,066
All figures in U.S. dollars.
Current Yr.ago % chg.
Redcorp Ventures (RDV-T) 3Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) 1,535 67 2191
Net Income (000s) -12,437 -4,467 -178
EPS -0.03 -0.05
9 mos.
Revenue (000s) 1,757 163 978
Net Income (000s) -18,044 -7,509 -140
EPS -0.09 -0.09
Current Yr.ago % chg.
Semafo (SMF-T) 3Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) 16,314 n.a.
Net Income (000s) -10,317 n.a.
EPS n.a. n.a.
CashFlow (000s) 859
All figures in U.S. dollars.
Current Yr.ago % chg.
Shore Gold (SGF-T) 3Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) 900 3,100 -71
Net Income (000s) -2,400 -122,700 98
EPS -0.01 -0.7
CashFlow (000s) 200 2,300 -91
9 mos.
Revenue (000s) 3,400 7,800 -56
Net Income (000s) -4,800 -76,700 94
EPS -0.03 -0.44
CashFlow (000s) 300 4,500 -93
Current Yr.ago % chg.
Silvercorp Metals (SVM-T) 2Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) n.a. n.a.
Net Income (000s) 17,600 5,400 226
EPS 0.36 0.11
CashFlow (000s) 21,500
6 mos.
Revenue (000s) 55,100 15,000 267
Net Income (000s) 33,500 n.a.
EPS 0.68 n.a.
CashFlow (000s) 42,200
Current Yr.ago % chg.
Skye Resources (SKR-T) 3Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) n.a. n.a.
Net Income (000s) -7,656 -8,673 12
EPS -0.17 -0.29
9 mos.
Revenue (000s) n.a. n.a.
Net Income (000s) -19,275 -21,526 10
EPS -0.45 -0.76
All figures in U.S. dollars.
Current Yr.ago % chg.
Teal Exploration & Mining (TL-T) 3Q Sep. 30
Revenue (000s) n.a. n.a.
Net Income (000s) -10,400 n.a.
EPS -0.19 n.a.
CashFlow (000s) -9,400
All figures in U.S. dollars.


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