Falling platinum prices pulled the rug from under platinum players B oston Bay Mines and affiliate Belleterre Quebec Mines. Both issues closed down at $3.50-$4 and 65 cents -70 cents respectively. Boston Bay controls the Lac des Iles platinum deposit north of Thunder Bay, Ont. Belleterre has a 39.7% stake in Boston Bay.
Holmer Gold Mines, which controls a low grade gold deposit southwest of Timmins, Ont., perked up a bit to 50 cents -60 cents . Chance Mining and Exploration was also active, improving to 35 cents -45 cents . The company holds several claims west of the large Kidd Creek Mines base metal operation north of Timmins, Ont. Kidd maintains an option on the property.
Canadian Gold Resources also firmed up to 46 cents -50 cents . The company has several drill programs under way. One is testing a small gold deposit near Beardmore, Ont., located northeast of the Metalore Resources gold discovery.
Some strength returned to Comstock Keno Mines which closed at 32 cents -35 cents . The company has a lead- zinc-silver property near Keno Hill, Yukon. Reserves total 9,000 tons grading 29.8 oz silver per ton.
Edda Resources, which has been hampered by a cease trade order during recent weeks, was back on its feet trading at 42 cents -47 cents . One good looking property in the company’s portfolio is located in the active Casa Berardi camp. The claim group ties on to the eastern border of Placer Developments property.
Does Coin Lake Gold Mines,Limited still exist as a company?
I have 300 shares in Coin Lake Mines Ltd. #’s 6648 &10837, dzted 1944 & 1954. Tell me, are they of any value today? Would like to hear from you or someone who cn follw up on this inquiry? Anxious to hear from you. Allan Logan, 406-15 La Rose Ave. Etobicoke ON. M9P1A7