The heyday for Mount Pleasant Resources appears to be over as the iss ue continued losing ground to $2.50-$2.75. Starting from the 70 cents range in early June, this issue soared to $9 and has since been on a downtrend. The company is embroiled in a law suit against several other companies.
President Myron Stein promised in June that a large dividend from the court winnings would be paid to shareholders. That dividend has yet to materialize.
Carbrew Explorations has been reorganized on a 1 new for 2.5 old share basis. Renamned Omnex, the company is no longer in the mining business. Omnex traded at $1.75-$2. Waite Dufault Mines was slightly better, trading at 23 cents -28 cents .
Gateford Resources gave up some ground to 65 cents -70 cents . The company has a drill program underway on its Samson River property west of Matagami, Que. Probe Mines was on the winning side, closing at 38 cents -43 cents . Lassie Red Lake Gold Mines, in which Dome Mines holds a 14.3% interest, was active at 38 cents -43 cents . The company holds several claims in the Red Lake camp, Ont.
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