The share price of Comstock Keno Mines, a long inactive company, con tinued to trade in the 37 cents -40 cents range. The company is being reactivated by a financicl company which has plans to seek acquistions for Comstock. The company, Stamford Bridge Capital, will acquire 28.5% of the outstanding shares of Comstock by year- end. Golden Trio Resources remained steady at 85 cents on light volume. Principals behind the company include that successfull triumvirate from Hemlo, Donald McKinnon, Rocco Schiralli and Claude Bonhomme. The group has placed several properties into Golden Trio.
Mount Pleasant Resources continued to trade listlessly at $2. President Myron Stein talked, in June, of a big payoff in the form of a rich dividend to shareholders. Well, seven months have elapsed and guess what? No dividend. Mr Stein said the dividend would be paid out of the winnings from a legal suit which the company launched against a group of majors. The suit, we understand, is far from settled.
Spirit Lake Explorations, another reactivated issue, firmed up to $1.80-$2.10. The company has acquired several key claims in the Goudreau, Ont., area which cover the old Edwards mine shaft.
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