And indeed it is. For this is the longest continuously operated gold mine in Canada, now celebrating its 80th anniversary and the founding mine of the Placer Dome empire. This is the mine that led to the opening of what is still Canada’s premier gold camp.
Born 58 years ago at Kirkland Lake, another of this country’s great gold camps, he received his secondary schooling at Albert College at Belleville, Ont., going on to the Michigan Technological University from which he graduated with a bachelor of science degree in mining engineering in 1958.
And there has been a host of other courses completed that complement his qualification for this very senior mine operating post. These include a commerce course in management of human resources at Laurentian University, a mine management and productivity course from Coopers and Lybrand Associates Ltd., a fragmentation and ground control course at McGill University, an executive course at Queen’s University and a basic course in mine rescue training.
A CIM member, he was president of that organization’s Porcupine Branch in 1975 and 1979, a past-president of the Timmins- Porcupine Chamber of Commerce and past chairman of the Timmins board of education.
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