Coronation Minerals — Bruce Rosenberg appointed a director.
Creston Moly — Colin Benner, Jonathan George, John McCleery, Kim Phillips and Richard Godfrey elected directors; Wayne Johnstone appointed CFO.
Denison Mines — Peter Farmer has resigned as CEO and a director. Exeter Resource — Roger Walsh appointed a director.
Gabriel Resources– Alan Hill has resigned as president and CEO but remains a director; Keith Hulley appointed interim CEO.
Golden Harp Res. — Seamus Young has resigned as a director.
GWR Resources — Scott Berkey appointed a director.
HudBayMinerals– Peter R. Jones appointed CEO; Wesley Voorheis appointed chairman; Bruce Barraclough, Brian Gordon, Alan Hibben, Warren Holmes, Peter Jones, John Knowles and Alan Lenczner have been appointed directors; Colin Benner has resigned as interim CEO and a director; Norman Anderson, Lloyd Axworthy, John Bowles, Donald Charter, Ronald Gagel, Peter Gillen have resigned as directors.
Luna Gold — Bruce McLeod appointed a director.
Mantis Mineral — Vicki Rosenthal appointed CFO; Tony Millo has resigned as CFO and a director.
Nevoro Inc.– Ross McDonald appointed interim CFO; Rimma Tumarkin, the current CFO is on maternity leave.
Northland Resources — Frode Teigen and Riulf Rustad appointed directors.
Ontex Resources — George Harrison appointed CFO; Peter Pistor has resigned.
Palladon Ventures– Donald Foot Jr. has resigned as president, CEO and a director; Annjanine Etzel has resigned as CFO and a director; John Cutler appointed interim CEO; Jeffery Clark appointed interim CFO; Leonard Sojka appointed interim corporate secretary.
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