Despite recent disappointing results from exploration in the Northwest Territories, companies are quietly continuing to explore other areas of the country. Four areas of note within Ontario and Quebec are the James Bay Lowlands, Le Tac, the Kirkland Lake-Cobalt-Temiskaming camp and southwestern Quebec.
James Bay Lowlands It has long been thought that the source of indicator minerals and alluvial diamonds found as far south as New York state and Michigan is kimberlites from the James Bay Lowlands. For this reason, many companies have sought diamonds in the region.
In the Attawapiskat River region, Ashton Mining is funding exploration of the Kyle lake and MacFayden No. 1 and No. 2 pipes on the Spider No. 1 property. Spider No. 1 is owned 70% by KWG Resources (ME) and 30% by Spider Resources (ASE). Ashton can earn a half interest in any pipe by financing the kimberlite to full feasibility. It can earn another 1% interest by providing production financing.
Several samples have been taken from the Spider No. 1 property and the latest results continue to be encouraging. Four samples totaling 106.6 kg contained 25 macrodiamonds and 76 micros, with several exhibiting fine white color and high clarity.
Ashton, Spider and KWG have staked an additional 597 claims in an area around Spider No.1.
Other companies working in the Lowlands include Jonpol Explorations (TSE) with 19 claims in the Attawapiskat River area, Noront Resources (VSE) with a property that hosts seven airborne magnetic anomalies, Garde, Societe d’Exploration Miniere (ME), Glencairn Explorations (ASE) and Strike Minerals (CDN).
Le Tac
Active in northern Quebec since 1954, Explorations Minieres du Nord (ME) is exploring for diamonds on 24 properties in the Lac Sueur-Le Tac area. Its first kimberlite discovery was made on the 42-claim Le Tac property, which has now been optioned to Soquem and De Beers’ Canadian exploration arm, Monopros.
As well as its Le Tac property, Minieres du Nord is looking for diamonds on three concessions: Le Tac South, Le Tac East and the Lac Sueur properties. In total, its Le Tac region claims cover 100 airborne magnetic anomalies. The company plans to complete additional geophysical surveys, to be followed by drilling.
Junior Explorations Diabor (ME) has made three discoveries on 68 properties in the area. Diabor is focusing exploration on four properties in this region: the wholly owned, 128-claim Le Tac project, which contains 32 circular airborne magnetic anomalies; the 50% owned, 128-claim Diatac project, optioned from William Resources (ME), which covers 19 airborne magnetic anomalies; the Desmaraisville project, optioned from Soquem with 18 airborne magnetic anomalies; and the wholly owned Senneterre project, with nine airborne magnetic anomalies.
Montreal-based William recently optioned all its interests in Quebec diamond properties to Garde for 750,000 Garde shares. These interests range between 25% and 100% in 608 claims in Le Tac and Ailley twps.
Others reported to be exploring Le Tac include Murgor Resources (VSE), Orient Resources (ME), Freewest Resources (TSE), Wiscan Resources (TSE), Fancamp Resources (VSE), Consolidated Gold Hawk Resources (ASE) and Chesbar Resources (TSE).
Kirkland Lake-Cobalt-Temiskaming
Junior Findore Minerals (CDN) is working on five properties in the Kirkland Lake area. The company is planning to complete ground geophysical and geological surveys on properties in Tanhill and Arnold twps. Targets will then be drilled later this year.
KWG and Spider are earning a 60% interest in 80 claims held by Goldhunter Explorations (ASE) near Temiskaming, Que. The ground reportedly hosts 18 airborne magnetic anomalies thought to be kimberlite pipes. To earn their interest, KWG and Spider will test each airborne target with one drill hole. As well, the two can earn another 10% by spending an additional $250,000 on exploration.
Furthermore, KWG and Spider report they have discovered 22 microdiamonds in a 22-kg sample taken from the southwest lobe of the Troika kimberlite in the Notre Dame du Norde area of Quebec. The companies are waiting for the results of the remaining 12 samples taken from this kimberlite.
Junior Arista Resources (VSE) has acquired claims near Cobalt, Ont., some of which are immediately west of KWG and Spider’s Notre Dame du Norde ground position. Arista will complete airborne magnetic and very-low-frequency electromagnetic surveys on the property.
In Bucke Twp., 55 km south of Kirkland Lake, International Homestead (VSE) has optioned the Bucke kimberlite. The pipe is situated about 500 metres northwest of a pipe found by Vera Cruz Minerals (VSE), which is itself carrying out geochemical sampling.
Southwestern Quebec
One of the first reported discoveries of diamonds in Canada was on Isle Blizard, near Montreal. Toronto-based Noront Resources is continuing to search east of the city at its 22,850-hectare Crystal Valley project where diamonds have been uncovered from heavy mineral concentrates. Noront is planning a detailed analysis of a filtered airborne magnetic survey, to be followed by ground surveys near a 1,000-metre-diameter structure in the Mount Johnson area.
Diabor is working its 50%-owned Coulonge project, 45 km away from the Coulogne River discovery in western Quebec. A total of 160 diamonds and indicator minerals was found in a section of the river. Diabor holds 496 claims that host several magnetic and structural targets.
Garde has acquired the Gaudreault property in western Quebec where the company has identified 16 targets. The company is planning a soil geochemical survey.
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