JV Video: Quebec mineral policy drives growth, resource ministry says

Quebec government mining program director Jocelyn Douhéret.

Quebec’s four-year-old critical minerals policy has spurred a 600% investment updraft and doubled the number of projects to 36, a government mining program director says.

The province had formed deep ties with industry partners to support the emerging critical minerals sector, Jocelyn Douhéret told the Energy Transition Metals Summit in Washington, D.C. last month.

“Partnerships with GM and Ford have ensured stable demand and a resilient supply chain, mitigating the volatility of critical mineral prices,” he told The Northern Miner’s Editor-in-Chief Alisha Hiyate in an interview.

Key to the Francophone province’s mining success is engaging local communities, First Nations and industry leaders, he said. It’s given Quebec a comprehensive strategy addressing research and development, supply chain integration and public awareness.

The province supports mining projects through tax credits and risk-sharing programs. Investment Quebec and its subsidiary, the Société québécoise d’exploration manière, known as SOQUEM, co-invest in development stage projects. Also, the Natural Resources and Energy Capital Fund aids pre-feasibility and feasibility studies.

The Northern Miner Group event ran in coordination with Precious Metals Summit Conferences. Watch the full video below.

Joint venture videos are paid-for content in arrangement with The Northern Miner.


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