INDEXAber18Abacus1Agate Bay6Alta Gold15Amax Gold11,15Anvil Rang18Anvil Res6Arequipa3Armada G11Asarco2,3Ashton Mng6Atlas15Atlas Cons2Atna6Audrey3Avalon Ven20Barrick Gld1,3,18Bismillah19Black Hawk1Bolivar Gdf18Bomax19Brimstone6Cabo Expl15Cactus Wst15Calco6Cambior3,18Campbell18Camphor Vnt6CanQuest20Comaplex11Cons Brenzc19Cons Magna19Cons Newgate6Cons Ramrod6Cons Viscnt19Cumberland11Cusac Gold10,20Cyprus Amax20Detector6Dentonia19Dragoon19East Afrca11Far East G15First Wstrn19Freewest6Glenmore Hi6Goldcorp18Goldnev20Great Lks 18Greatr Lenra15Greenstone11Hemlo Gld3Hera20Homestake3Imperl Met20Independnc15Inmet Mng20Intl Curator11Intl FreeGld11Intl Taurus20Jordex1Kennecott20Kinross Gld11,18Lac Min3La Teko11Lytton6Major...
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