Alcoa — Klaus Kleinfeld appointed director.
Corriente — Anthony Holler appointed to board; Catherine Mcleod-Seltzer resigned as director.
European Goldfields — Gordon Toll appointed director; CFO David Grannell appointed director.
Mexgold — Bradley Langille appointed president; Langille, Gregory Liller, Dale Hendrick and Ian Shaw appointed directors.
Peabody Energy — Gregory Boyce appointed president and CEO.
Raymor — Rodger Creamer appointed VP and director; Jean-Claude Vachon resigned from the executive committee; Jean-Marie Rodrigue, Jean-Louis Poulin and Louis Fortin resigned from board.
Rio Tinto Energy — Preston Chiaro appointed CEO; Gregory Boyce resigned as CEO.
Royal Gold — John Skadow resigned as VP and CFO; Stefan Wenger appointed treasurer and CAO.
Shore Gold — George Read appointed VP exploration; George Sanders appointed VP corporate development.
SKN Resources — Rui Feng appointed director, chairman and CEO; Myles Gao, Michael Armstrong and Paul Simpson re-elected to board.
Southern Cross — Mark Wheatley appointed CEO; former CEO Oliver Lennox-King resigned to serve as non-executive chairman.
Stillwater — Stephen Lang appointed executive VP and COO; Robert Taylor resigned as VP operations.
Sulliden — Jean Depatie appointed chairman; Donna Yoshimatsu appointed VP investor relations.
Yamana — Peter Marrone appointed president and CEO; Antenor Silva appointed COO; Melvin Klohn appointed VP exploration; Seiiti Nakamura appointed construction manager; and Evandro Cintra appointed manager of exploration.
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