The Mineral Exploration Roundup Poster Session highlights public geoscience. Over 90 posters will feature the results of geological mapping and economic geology studies including new ideas and new technologies. Highlights from the BC Geological Survey, Geological Survey of Canada and Geoscience BC are the main attraction, and are complemented by posters from numerous university researchers, particularly students. Government- and university-related database systems and information, such as those found on, are available live.
This session is particularly designed for one-on-one discussions and information exchange with geoscientists most familiar with the geology and working within your area of interest. There will be posters presenting geophysical and geochemical surveys from across the Canadian Cordillera; surficial geoscience surveys in west-central British Columbia; geological mapping surveys from the north coast of B.C., and other parts of British Columbia, southern Yukon and western Northwest Territories; and research on a wide variety of deposit types across the highly varied geology of the Cordillera. Posters related to the Yukon, from the Yukon Geological Survey will be displayed in the Yukon Room.
Work of B.C. high school Grade 12 geology students will also be displayed during the Poster Session.
Students are awarded prizes for the best posters: $600 for first prize, $400 for second prize, and $200 for third prize.
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