The Ontario Mine Contractors Safety Association recently appointed the following to its 1991-1992 executive: (Back row, left to right) Dan Sweeney (MacIsaac Mining & Tunnelling), Ron Dion (J.S. Redpath Ltd.), Val Kukoraitis (Dynatec Mining), Jack Dagleman (Graham Mining). (Front row) Bill Middleton, secretary treasurer (J.S. Redpath), Don Rankin, vice-chairman (Canadian Mine Development), Silvio Bertrand, chairman (Ram Raising)
Felco Electric Sales Co. markets the Safecom S100 System, a mine-shaft, on-cage system for communications, control and monitoring. The company says it has several advantages. These include increased productivity through improved shaft time utilization by reducing skip cycle time, more efficient shaft inspection and shaft work, manpower savings and condition-based shaft maintenance. Other advantages include safety, with slack rope protection, shaftsman signals, continuous availability of speech, brake locking and on-cage winder control.
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