The Northern Miner podcast – episode 9: The Far North (and far out) edition

The KSM gold–copper project in northwestern B.C. Credit: Seabridge Gold.

Lesley and Matt dig into the Far North feature with discussion on Seabridge Gold (TSX: SEA; NYSE: SA) and Colorado Resources’ (TSXV: CXO) recent moves in British Columbia’s Golden Triangle. Coverage also includes a Nunavut wrap-up with insight into Auryn Resources’ (TSXV: AUG) Committee Bay gold project and TMAC Resources (TSX: TMR) Hope Bay mine.

Bonus pop culture rambling: The cuteness factor of baby polar bears, military helicopters, and how many Mai Tai’s will Lesley drink in Hawaii? Enough for the entire CIM conference?

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Stories referenced in this episode:

Auryn touts ‘district-scale’ potential at Committee Bay

SnipGold’s Iskut project attracts Seabridge Gold

TMAC targets commercial production at Hope Bay in 2017

Music Credit:
Slow Burn Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


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