TSX Short Positions Short positions outstanding at May 31/15 (with changes from May 15/15). Largest Short Positions SecurityTickerTotal ShortChange New Gold NGD412779817280430 B2Gold BTO29481045-455362 PotashCorp POT25377840714452 Lundin Mining LUN22912022-1804630 Teck Resources TCK.B17140646821336 Rubicon Minerals RMX14377970135300 Kinross Gold K14134288-4650503 Thompson Creek Mtl TCM11954221115483 First Quantum FM11726092675042 Detour Gold DGC11087112-461964 Barrick Gold ABX10350994325651 Iamgold IMG9250838274197 Yamana Gold YRI8020031-492062 Denison Mines DML7912834535186 Argonaut GoldAR7883798-478243 Largest Increase in Short Position SecurityTickerTotal ShortChange New Gold NGD412779817280430 Trevali Mining TV63153284642100 Capstone Mining CS1905301943116 Western Lithium WLC2411500877600 Turquoise Hill Res. TRQ3712824867437 Largest...
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