Short Position Report

TSX Short Positions                 Short positions outstanding at Aug. 31/15 (with changes from Aug. 15/15).         Largest Short Positions                 SecurityTickerTotal ShortChange     Lundin Mining LUN39684608528455     New Gold NGD31277766523662     Kinross GoldK27563908-254215     B2Gold BTO25203872-158188     PotashCorpPOT23158758532311     First Quantum FM219914551361723     Teck Res.TCK.B17781827241866     Yamana GoldYRI13860366710511     Barrick GoldABX12788932720217     Denison MinesDML12510711903701     Thompson Crk Mtl TCM12372436-42739     OceanaGoldOGC118123461485033     Detour Gold DGC9546321-1362572     Copper Mountain Min.CUM8637104-142981     Goldcorp G84554783697531              Largest Increase in Short Position                 SecurityTickerTotal ShortChange     Alamos Gold AGI51611563706736     GoldcorpG84554783697531     OceanaGoldOGC118123461485033     First Quantum FM219914551361723     Klondex Mines KDX23526551044019              Largest Decrease in Short...

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