Short positions outstanding at April 15/14 (with changes from March 31/14). TSX Short Positions Largest Short Positions SecurityTickerTotal ShortChange Lundin Mining LUN638333822534821 New Gold NGD39085505-661274 Kinross Gold K27141880-931270 Barrick Gold ABX25532506-6890874 N A PalladiumPDL2296473515724329 Detour Gold DGC22631915151235 Tahoe Resources THO18868771137400 Potash Corp.POT18314209-745667 B2gold BTO17565433-39659 Eldorado Gold ELD153779882696120 Thompson Creek TCM13931616-1153252 Argonaut Gold AR12120050608777 Dundee Precious DPM1180616436864 First Majestic FR10586347-31398 Silver Standard SSO8668330-96368 Largest Increase in Short Position SecurityTickerTotal ShortChange N A PalladiumPDL2296473515724329 Eldorado Gold ELD153779882696120 Lundin...
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