Short positions outstanding at Sept.30/14 (with changes from Sept.15/14). TSX Short Positions Largest Short Positions SecurityTickerTotal ShortChange Lundin Mining LUN55693625-67223 New Gold NGD30737228-329725 Barrick Gold ABX2939503413062814 B2Gold BTO253367583250370 Kinross Gold K2496388012767464 PotashCorp POT19459638-1136460 Detour Gold DGC19246040-1176486 Tahoe Res. THO15607829-1648485 Argonaut Gold AR12261233181500 Thompson Creek Mtl TCM10556547-216656 First Majestic SilverFR1047209920113 Silver Wheaton SLW102004725997363 Dundee Precious Mtl DPM97895737849 First Quantum FM86441001277823 Silver Standard Res. SSO841266520785 Largest Increase in Short Position SecurityTickerTotal ShortChange Barrick GoldABX2939503413062814 Kinross GoldK2496388012767464 Silver WheatonSLW102004725997363 B2GoldBTO253367583250370 First...
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