Short positions outstanding at April 30/07 (with changes from April 15).Largest short positionsChangeKinross GoldK30737348-884359CamecoCCO20999449279338Eastern PlatinumELR206963453590055Northern Orion ResNNO17994008-39448SXR Uranium OneSXR140278146666964IamgoldIMG137534531321156Yamana GoldYRI9057926-163380Lundin MiningLUN8984970-841954Silver WheatonSLW7978827790034Breakwater ResBWR6983982713352Ivanhoe MinesIVN6854942775379Coalcorp MiningCCJ6372106459106Barrick GoldABX6296699-152611Denison MinesDML5369508-266598Lionore Mining IntlLIM5139002-765583Largest increases in short positionChangeSXR Uranium OneSXR140278146666964Eastern PlatinumELR206963453590055Sherritt IntlS44570573313157Mirabela NickelMNB27900802784080Wallbridge MiningWM20000001976000Largest decreases...
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