STOCKEXCBIDASKLASTHIGHLOAfrican MetalsV0.680.740.620.860.355Antoro ResV0.120.1250.1250.190.075Apoquindo MnlsV0.400.500.400.700.40Atlantic Ind MV0.1050.170.0850.220.13Becker Gold MV0.2050.310.180.440.19Camphor VentV1.902.301.801.930.001Castle ResV0.3650.46...0.700.18Central Asia GT0.500.550.530.800.36Comet IndsV1.451.751.752.051.35Cons AGX ResV1. Mtl RV0.340.3850.340.750.15Duncan Park HV0.2250.2950.2951.060.20Gabriel Res wtT1.501.891.302.990.001Great Quest MeV0.620.660.591.090.51HMZ Metals wtT0.0050.0050.0050.0350.001Janina ResV0.1950.2550.1950.2550.13Jerico ExplV0.900.950.901.000.80Luxor IndV0.0650.080.0650.230.035McChip ResV3.003.373.003.601.79Merc Intl MnlsV0.680.780.621.050.23Micrex DevelV0.2650.340.250.500.21Milner Con SlvV0.490.580.490.600.37Moss Lake GldV0.230.2550.2550.400.21Nation Wide ReV0.1550.210.1550.260.105Neo AllianceV0.220.250.2250.620.20Norilsk*Q......185.25...0.001NormiskaV0.140.1950.140.350.001Pac Imp...
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