Short positions outstanding at May 15/07 (with changes from May 30/07).Largest short positionsChangeStrateco ResourcesRSC3877500222200Osisko ExplorationOSK2277800134500Nautilus MineralsNUS17740001200Crowflight MineralsCML1733100856228First Majestic SilverFR1631309-265010Metanor ResourcesMTO1404569991786Hathor ExplorationHAT1399000-52800Bayswater UraniumBAY1364493266079Uranium PowerUPC1191200-16329Cash MineralsCHX105500078500Sabina SilverSBB1053222-146600UnorUNI10000001000000Alexis MineralsAMC975340-120600Bonaventure EnterprBVT915000814139Andina MineralsADM906000-42700Largest increases in short positionChangeUnorUNI10000001000000Metanor ResourcesMTO1404569991786Crowflight MineralsCML1733100856228Bonaventure EnterprBVT915000814139ECU Silver MiningECU858500810500Largest decreases in short...
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