CNQ Trading -- August 28-31, 2007

STOCKTICKERVOLUME(100s)HIGHLOWLASTCHANGEHIGHLOWAvanti MiningAVMI1000.500.500.500.000.500.50Bison Gold ExpBGEI50.150.150.15+0.030.600.10CDG InvestCDGI5000.030.030.03+0.010.0650.01Continent ResCORE1020.220.220.22- ResDYRF21630.1250.110.125-0.0050.260.08Gold ReefGRIN5100.680.630.63- HoHIHO2621.101.011.01- Lake GoldHYLK9300.600.460.55-0.061.900.20Lucara DiamLUCA9071.561.401.45+0.141.561.09Lebon GoldLBON2500.270.270.27-0.110.550.17Nass Valley GateNVGL6800. MetalsRMIC1501.050.981.05- ResREDZ50.360.360.36-0.040.500.30Seafield ResSEAF2480.090.090.09+0.0050.240.065Talmora DiamTALM300. Belt ResCBRL0. ResEXBR0.0550.070.090.04Fort ChimoFORT 0.0350.050.080.01L.G.R.MHPT0.130.500.600.15RX ExplRXEX0.

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