Short positions outstanding at Sept. 15/07 (with changes from August 31/07).Largest short positionsChangeKinross GoldK340066411816928CamecoCCO20085532-16213Yamana GoldYRI189934279936573Northern Orion ResNNO16048513-417677IamgoldIMG13617056617702Silver WheatonSLW10665415-53762Ivanhoe MinesIVN1023017120459Coeur D'Alene MinesCDM10136260353200Equinox MineralsEQN8622679612474Breakwater ResBWR8049557-217881Eastern PlatinumELR74485821011618Thompson Creek MetTCM7135692-239839Barrick GoldABX6492403-1289700Uranium OneUUU6403478-1732307Lundin MiningLUN6314218-880505Largest increases in short positionChangeYamana GoldYRI189934279936573Kinross GoldK340066411816928Eastern PlatinumELR74485821011618Red Back MiningRBI3903423780195Gabriel ResourcesGBU2279528738909Largest decreases...
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