TSX Venture Short Positions (August 13, 2007)

Short positions outstanding at July 30/07 (with changes from July 15/07).Largest short positionsChangeOsisko ExplorationOSK5143200867874Consol Thompson IronCLM2643094-77361Cash MineralsCHX194191546615Metanor ResourcesMTO1744018-51482First Majestic SilverFR1654819-39200SNS SilverSNS15893001399100Peak GoldPIK13158001175146Hathor ExplorationHAT1198500-50100Sabina SilverSBB113483472912Romarco MineralsR1087212500500Bayswater UraniumBAY1050605-1007095Silver Spruce ResSSE960340581440Uranium PowerUPC904000-73500Sherwood CopperSWC888110153910Blue Note MiningBN83897063936Largest increases in short positionChangeSNS SilverSNS15893001399100Peak GoldPIK13158001175146Osisko ExplorationOSK5143200867874Sage GoldSGX670004620000Silver...

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