Short positions outstanding at Oct.31/14 (with changes from Oct.15/14). TSX Short Positions Largest Short Positions SecurityTickerTotal ShortChange Lundin Mining LUN637068411989716 New Gold NGD321149061272778 B2GoldBTO28133667-6470543 Kinross GoldK23343970-8474156 Yamana GoldYRI198838625608477 Detour GoldDGC19879289-299799 Eldorado GoldELD194360818664792 Tahoe ResourcesTHO15464183-91147 PotashCorpPOT149179717385349 Argonaut GoldAR13114970100543 Barrick GoldABX12465858-15312526 CamecoCCO123919644557451 Dundee Pr MtlDPM115135871443301 First Majestic SlvFR11483712818854 First Quantum FM111015202350642 Largest Increase in Short Position SecurityTickerTotal ShortChange Eldorado Gold ELD194360818664792 PotashCorpPOT149179717385349 Yamana GoldYRI198838625608477 Cameco CCO123919644557451 IamgoldIMG50297352707293 Largest Decrease in Short Position SecurityTickerTotal...
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