Short positions outstanding at Jan.31/15 (with changes from Jan.15/15). TSX Short Positions Largest Short Positions SecurityTickerTotal ShortChange New GoldNGD311400661269805 Lundin Mining LUN29193678-1092376 PotashCorpPOT2201686816593710 Yamana GoldYRI161255542483172 B2GoldBTO15351057326065 Detour GoldDGC14848723728273 Thompson Creek MetalsTCM11572353562285 Barrick GoldABX11413251-26801 Rio Alto MiningRIO10118279744664 Kinross GoldK10100634-1424148 Argonaut GoldAR10050072-377344 Teck ResourcesTCK.B95349961921808 Paramount Res. POU7195105565520 First Majestic SilverFR653994584720 Hudbay MineralHBM6318847-115652 Largest Increase in Short Position SecurityTickerTotal ShortChange PotashCorpPOT2201686816593710 Primero Mining P51764102845223 Yamana Gold YRI161255542483172 Teck ResoucesTCK.B95349961921808 Taseko MinesTKO28349661686270 Largest...
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